The Outpost


2 temporadas

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Talon, the last survivor of the Blackblood race, travels to the edge of the civilized world to take revenge on the mercenaries who murdered her family. During the dangerous journey, Talon discovers that he possesses special powers that he does not know how to control.
Talon, the last blackblood race survivor finds herself at an outpost where she finds people who have hurt her in the past. She wants revenge. She finds out she has a great power, dangerous if she doesn’t know how to control it. What power does she possess? Is she really the last of her race?
Just started watching it, and I'm already in love with it
The Outpost: 7.5/10 🌟 it's a little old school kinda vibe like Hercules TV series but it's really good 👏
É a série onde a última sobrevivente da raça dos blackbloods, procura-se vingar da morte dos seus familiares e amigos e descobre que possui poderes sobre naturais onde procura aprender a lidar com eles juntos com os seus novos amigos partindo sempre para novas aventuras.
No tiene unos efectos especiales muy buenos, pero la recomiendo bastante! Tiene una buena historia 😊
2018 ‧ Drama ‧ 4 temporadas Talon, a única sobrevivente da raça Blackblood, deve aprender a controlar seu poder recém-descoberto para salvar o mundo de um fanático ditador religioso.
Incrível eu amei ❣️
Adoro ❤️
Pretendo assistir 🥵🥵