They Both Die At The End

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Mateo receives a phone call from Death-Cast, a company that rose to prominence seven years prior and is able to predict the deaths of individuals, informing him that he is now a Decker, someone with only twenty-four hours (or less) left to live.
made me cry. 100/10
2 boys that got called by Death-Cast to let them know they are dying today. They both met through the Last Friend app and made a special bond.
I couldn’t put it down, super emotional, fun and cute but also pretty intense. heard they making it into a tv show now
Such a good book! It’svery exciting and showing the power of friendship & the hope.
rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mensagem bonita
Uma mensagem muito bonita
então, o título já diz tudo. livro muito lindo e muito triste!
"Passei anos q viver em segurança para garantir uma vida mais longa e vejam só o que isso me valeu. Estou junto à meta, mas não cheguei a participar na corrida"-MT