tick, tick... BOOM!


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Protagonizada por Andrew Garfield en una actuación digna de Oscar. Es una película que relata la vida de Jonathan Larson un compositor a punto de cumplir 30 años, abrumado por su futuro con la incertidumbre si vale la pena seguir luchando por sus sueños aunque implique perder a las personas que ama.
Magistral Garfield
Un musical de netflix, protagonizado por Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield nominado a mejor actor principal
I loved this film. Andrew Garfield did an amazing job interpreting Jon and Lin Manuel Miranda did a great job as a director. It's a film to learn, laugh, sing and cry.
The movie tells the story about Johnathan Larson, a very talented musical writer that works in a cafe in New York and dreams about making it big. The plot is amazing, you will probably end up crying, the best thing is that is based in a real story. I highly recommend seeing it.
andrew garfield espectacular