Cómo defender a un asesino


Recommended by 26,798 users
La gran abogada defensora y profesora de derecho Annalise Keating, más cinco de sus alumnos, se ven involucrados en un caso de asesinato muy complejo.
GenresCrimen, Drama, Misterio
Duration 44 minutes
    top 1
    ⭐️⭐️,5/5. This is a good background show in my opinion after season 2 it gets super weird. The characters are great, but I was never routing for them. I would add a trigger warning but I think the tittle says it all
    Asesinatos, intriga, comedia.
    Essa e um dos meus favoritos série de advogado é crimes. That and one of my favorite lawyer series is crimes.

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