DC's Legends of Tomorrow


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Después de haber visto el futuro, el viajero del tiempo Rip Hunter tratará desesperadamente de evitarlo logrando la tarea de reunir a un dispar grupo de héroes y villanos para enfrentar una amenaza imparable, en la que no solo la seguridad del planeta está en juego sino el tiempo mismo.
GenresAction & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
Duration 42 minutes
    avatar08/07/2021, 10:58 PM@joanatgoncalves2
    Sarah and Eva
    avatar07/19/2021, 05:40 PM@marcelinhafigueiredo1
    Rip Hunter, a time traveller, comes to know of Vandal Savage's plan to cause an apocalypse to destroy Earth and time. However, he assembles superheroes to thwart Savage's evil plan and save the world.
    avatar06/28/2021, 02:28 AM@andreinha20218
    avatar06/26/2021, 08:09 AM@find_your_vibes4
    You'll learn a lot about decades ;)
    avatar04/04/2021, 04:17 AM@Henrique_correa9
    DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow

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