Domestic na Kanojo Especiales


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Natsuo is a high school boy who is experiencing the crushing despair of unrequited love. To make matters worse, the person he is in love with is his teacher, Hina. In an attempt to lift his spirits, he attends a mixer where he meets a girl named Rui. The two sleep together, expecting never to see one another again, but fate has other plans. His life suddenly becomes more complicated when his father comes home and announces he has remarried a woman with two daughters whom Natsuo has met before: Hina and Rui!
    Opening: fire🔥🔥Historia: hot garbage 🔥😫
    Uns dos melhores animes de romance que conheço e que tem um mangá incrível, mas com um final um pouco inesperado.
    El opening es muy bueno ^^
    Este tiene se enfoca más en un triángulo amoroso que en casi todo el harem que se llega a crear en el manga. Las variaciones son increíbles y la manera en la que te presentan los hechos son correctos pero apresurados
    Natsuo Fujii está enamorado de su maestra, Hina. Intentando olvidar sus sentimientos hacia ella, Natsuo va a una cita a ciegas con sus compañeros de clase, donde conoce a una chica rara llamada Rui Tachibana.

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