

Recommended by 187 users
Jeff, un famoso ícono de la televisión infantil, lucha por mantener su cordura mientras su familia se derrumba. Cuando su familia empieza a desmoronarse, Jeff Pickles no encuentra cuento al que agarrarse y tampoco parece que ninguno de los muñecos de felpa de su programa le vaya a guiar en esta crisis que avanza cada vez más rápido. ¿El resultado? La historia de un hombre demasiado bueno a punto de perder la cabeza en un mundo demasiado cruel.
GenresDrama, Comedia
Duration 30 minutes
    I have always respect Jim Carrey as an actor, rather than a comedy actor, I think his best rolls have been in drama films, in this case it's a serie.
    "You can feel anything at all, anything at all. You can feel it. Happy, sad, big or very small, anything at all is fine. It's you who is doing the feeling, and that makes it okay." - Jeff Pickles
    laugh through tears
    Fans of Jim Carrey's slapstick may be disappointed, but other viewers may find a surprisingly poignant examination of life and grief in Kidding.

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