My Life as a Teenage Robot


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My Life as a Teenage Robot is an American animated science fantasy television series, created by Rob Renzetti for Nickelodeon. It was Nickelodeon's first animated science fiction fairy tale. The series follows the adventures of XJ-9, better known as Jenny Wakeman, a robot girl designed to protect Earth, who is excessively addicted to teen-related activities, which are almost always interrupted by Nora Wakeman, her creator and mother. Nickelodeon debuted the first episode on August 1, 2003. After the series was cancelled, later episodes of the series started airing as "never before seen episodes" on Nicktoons Network. The series is distributed outside the United States by the Canadian animation studio, Nelvana Limited. The first season is available on iTunes. All three seasons are available on DVD at Amazon, although it is unknown if Shout! Factory will release them elsewhere.
    Um clássico da Nickelodeon muito divertido incrível que está disponível na pluto TV
    Essa é mega antiga
    Uma robô adolescente 🌸
    Caricaturas de mi infancia 😍😍😍 jaaa me gustaba mucho, aún recuerdo verla después de llegar de la primaria 🤩🤩🤩🤩

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