The Popeye Show


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The Popeye Show is a cartoon anthology series that premiered on November 11, 2001, on Cartoon Network. Each episode would include three unedited Popeye theatrical shorts from Fleischer Studios and/or Famous Studios. The show was narrated by Bill Murray, who would give the audience short facts about the history of the cartoons as filler material between each short. Animation historian Jerry Beck served as a consultant and Barry Mills served as writer and producer. A total of 45 episodes were produced, consisting of a total of 135 shorts.
    Always in memory 😊
    Que começou comer espinafre por causa desse desenho ou quem odeia espinafre da um like e me segui
    Super desenho
    Es una caricatura antigua pero muy bonita, sin duda gracias a Popeye me encanta las espinacas, retrocedamosbun poco el tiempo y volvamos a verla.❤🤞
    La mejor serie para niños pues te hace pensar en comer espinacas para ser fuerte

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