To Love-Ru is a Japanese manga series written by Saki Hasemi, and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki, creator of Black Cat. The manga was serialized in Shueisha's manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between April 24, 2006 and August 31, 2009; 18 tankōbon volumes have been published in Japan. A drama CD was released in February 2008 with an original story. A 26-episode anime series adaptation by Xebec aired in Japan between April and September 2008. Six original video animation episodes were produced by Xebec between April 2009 and April 2010. A 12-episode second season by Xebec titled Motto To-Love Ru aired between October and December 2010. A video game was released on the Nintendo DS in August 2008, and another game for the PlayStation Portable was released in October 2008.
A continuation of the manga called To Love-Ru Darkness began serialization in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine on October 4, 2010. An anime TV series adaptation for To-Love Ru Darkness produced by Xebec began a...
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