Movies and series


  • Serie Cristal oscuro: La era de la resistencia
    Cristal oscuro: La era de la resistencia


    "An amazing high fantasy world with masterful puppeteers with cgi to help. It happens before the movie to explain how the world got there."
  • Movie Cristal oscuro
    Cristal oscuro


    "An amazing high fantasy world with a great idea behind the story."
  • Movie El señor de los anillos: La comunidad del anillo
    El señor de los anillos: La comunidad del anillo


    "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The first of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch."
  • Movie El señor de los anillos: Las dos torres
    El señor de los anillos: Las dos torres


    "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. The second of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch."
  • Movie El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
    El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey


    "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The last of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch."
  • Movie El hobbit: Un viaje inesperado
    El hobbit: Un viaje inesperado


    "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The first of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch. It happens before the well known Lord of the Rings trilogy."
  • Movie El hobbit: La desolación de Smaug
    El hobbit: La desolación de Smaug


    "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The second of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch. It happens before the well known Lord of the Rings trilogy."
  • Movie El hobbit: La batalla de los cinco ejércitos
    El hobbit: La batalla de los cinco ejércitos


    "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. The last of an high fantasy trilogy that everyone should watch. It happens before the well known Lord of the Rings trilogy."
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


  • Serie Dark


    "A mind-blowing story that reminds you of an adult stranger things but different once you watch some episodes... In German."