Movies 📽️


  • Movie Sing Street
    Sing Street


    "Sing Street is a musical comedy-drama film. The story is set on 80s Ireland, where Conor start a band to impress Raphina. It's really cool the talent and creativity of this band members, how they deal with bullying and the awesome friendship they develop. The soundtrack is majestic 100% recommended."
  • Movie Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo
    Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo


    "Directed by Edgar Wright, this movie is a rock music classic. Based on the comics, tells the story of Scott who fall in love of Ramona Flowers and he needs to fight her seven ex boyfriends to be her boyfriend. "
  • Movie The Beatles: Yellow Submarine
    The Beatles: Yellow Submarine


    "If you love The Beatles this movie is for you! 100% recommended, you need to watch it. "