Good Games I Guess


Just video games that I enjoyed ahah
  • Place Octopath Traveler
    Octopath Traveler


    "Is this game woth buying? Absolutely it is!!! Honestly when you think about a pixelated RPG game at this price range, you definitely think twice before buying... But the storytelling is incredible, the art is gorgeous, the characters are all so different "
  • Electronic Astral Chain
    Astral Chain


    "This one is interesting! It ha a very dynamic and unique combat mechanic that really made it so enjoyable beating your enemies. I'm still on the fence about the graphics but during gameplay it actually looks really cool. This game will certainly leave you"
  • Fashion The Touryst
    The Touryst


    "Did you expect to see a game like this here? The Touryst is just a really pleasant game to play... Just a guy traveling around islands solving fun but stimulating puzzles! And even though the the art-style is like a Minecraft blocky type, it is absolutely"