
filipa chambel

8 Followers12 Follows
  • Serie The Politician
    The Politician


    "Se são fãs de glee então vão gostar desta série, tem o mesmo tipo de humor e estética porque é do mesmo criador, Ryan Murphy."
  • App RNI Films
    RNI Films


    "esta aplicação dá imenso jeito quando se quer dar um efeito mais analógico e vintage às fotos."
  • Serie The Office
    The Office


    "Das melhores séries já feitas. É filmada como se fosse um documentário o que a torna diferente das outras séries porque os atores olham diretamente para a câmara. O michael Scott e o Dwight são das melhores personagens alguma vez criadas. "
  • Serie BoJack Horseman
    BoJack Horseman


    "Super engraçado e bem feito"
  • Place Museu do Quai Branly
    Museu do Quai Branly


    "A little bit controversial for the colonial objects it has. However, the architecture of the building is very interesting."
  • Place L'Orangerie Paris
    L'Orangerie Paris


    "Where Monet’s waterlilies are. With this painting, Monet wanted the beholders to immerse themselves on the artworks and forget the outside world."
  • Place Fondation Louis Vuitton
    Fondation Louis Vuitton


    "The perfect place for those who like the aesthetics of contemporary art and want to take amazing photos. The museum has an app with audioguide which is quite handy. Don’t forget to check the Jesus Soto “penetrable” work in the top floor."
  • Restaurants Musée d'Orsay
    Musée d'Orsay


    "the chronological continuation of the louvre, here you can find the impressionist and post impressionist movement. super exciting "
  • Place Museo del Louvre
    Museo del Louvre


    "Perhaps the most visited museum in the world. It is free for students and is closed on Tuesdays. Don’t forget “the Raft of the Medusa” by Gericault."
  • Place Museum of Neoliberalism
    Museum of Neoliberalism


    "Definitely a different style of museum but still worth the visit. Free entrance and great shop"