

  • Book El Arma de Oro
    El Arma de Oro


    "Un mundo fantástico donde existe cualquier tipo de criatura mágica que se te venga a la mente, te tiene atrapado y pegado a este libro. Primer libro~"
  • Book Smile


    "This graphic novel tells the story of a girl who, after losing her two front teeth, her life takes a big turn, is just a teenager wanting to live her adolescence, dental dramas, love affairs, loss of friends, a great story."
  • Book Speak


    "She needs to speak and grow as a person, but for her it is different it is not easy to carry trauma, not if you do not have friends to count on, a great graphic novel that helps you understand what it is to live with rape and how it is not as easy as it seems to get over it."
  • Book El Dador
    El Dador


    "Un mundo distopico que pretende ser utópico donde alguien tiene que sufrir todo el pasado y aprender que no todo en este mundo es tan perfecto como parece, en este caso un niño llamado Jonas."