Vampire series


  • Serie Buffy, cazavampiros
    Buffy, cazavampiros


    "If you like vampires, slayers, witches and other eerie beings, Buffy is an immediate reference. It has action, love, drama and comedy, all in one. Won't disapoint you, give it a shot."
  • Serie V Wars
    V Wars


    "The vampire reimagined as a beign originated by a virus. Worth to watch! It seems viruses have something to bring to the old myths & can explain the different types of vampires 😉"
  • Serie Vampiros


    "French vampires! This serie follows Doina Radescu, daughter of a vampire, and explains a little bit more credibly the myth, actually adapting it to the contemporary era."
  • Serie Lo que hacemos en las sombras
    Lo que hacemos en las sombras


    "This serie portraits the life of a group of vampires in the contemporary era. It is hilarious! If you like vampires, this is a must watch. Based on Taika Waititi's idea (and movie with a same name), I can assure you won't get bored. "