Animes I've liked until now


  • Serie Parasyte: The Maxim
    Parasyte: The Maxim


    "this one was my first but I would totally watch it again"
  • Serie Akame ga Kill!
    Akame ga Kill!


    "I freaking love this one and I just really don't have much more to say, it's veeeeery entertaining"
  • Serie Hunter × Hunter
    Hunter × Hunter


    "If u want to see this one and not the 1999 version, I recommend you to forst watch the first episode of the 1999 one, and then start this one:) Definetly my favorite for a while now"
  • Serie Los siete pecados capitales
    Los siete pecados capitales


    "It's not for everyone's liking but personally it blew my mind with some stuff"