
aoi nihongo

2 Followers2 Follows
  • Serie Love 020
    Love 020


    "It's a Chinese Drama about gamers. The love between them and the game's graphics are the best "
  • Serie Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung
    Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung


    "If you love this old-drama type and eunwoo. It's funny and you can learn more about the Korean culture "
  • Videogames Genshin Impact
    Genshin Impact


    "if you want to practice japanese and love games. Use this one, not only is an excellent game, but also it will help you to learn more vocabulary related to the game ;)"
  • Book Mentes poderosas 1
    Mentes poderosas 1


    "Es un libro con mucha acción, la película es bastante parecida. Habla sobre los miedos de la humanidad y lo complejo de las relaciones. Además como subtema están el desarrollo de sociedades y como de un totalitarismo salimos a otro igual pero "menos malo""
  • Book Minna no Nihongo Shokyu
    Minna no Nihongo Shokyu


    "This book will help you to learn and reach N4 and N5 levels of Japanese ;) You will have to use it with the one that has the translation notes. I love how simple it is, although the exercises are repetitive and a little boring "
  • App 「EASY JAPANESE NEWS」簡単な日本のニュース
    「EASY JAPANESE NEWS」簡単な日本のニュース


    "You can practice reading japanese newspapers and other things like songs. If you want some special things, you will have to pay. But the free resources are really awesome! try it! "
  • Book El arte de la guerra
    El arte de la guerra


    "El arte de la guerra es un libro lleno de tácticas que sirvieron en las batallas del mundo oriental, pero que también nos sirven a nosotros para enfrentarnos a la realidad actual como seres individuales que deben sobrevivir. "
  • App Tandem - Language Exchange
    Tandem - Language Exchange


    "It's the perfect app to meet natives and asked them for a language exchange. People from there are always nice. You will make new friends and they will help always help you!"