Harry Potter


  • Book 1: Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal
    1: Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal


    "The book tells the story of Harry Potter, an orphan raised by his uncles who discovers, on his eleventh birthday, that he is a wizard. O livro conta a história de Harry Potter, um órfão criado por seus tios que descobre, no seu décimo primeiro aniversário, que ele é um bruxo. "
  • Book Harry Potter y La Camara Secreta
    Harry Potter y La Camara Secreta


    "After taking a vacation at his uncles' house, Harry Potter is preparing to return to Hogwarts and begin his second year at the witch school. On the eve of the start of classes, a strange creature. Depois de tirar férias na casa de seus tios, Harry Potter está se preparando para retornar a Hogwar."
  • Book Best of harry potter colouring book
    Best of harry potter colouring book


    "Harry Potter Coloring Book Commemorative Edition: The Best of Harry Potter. Harry Potter Coloring Book Edição Comemorativa: O Melhor de Harry Potter."
  • Book Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban
    Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban


    "Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts begins badly when he learns that the assassin Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban prison and is committed to killing him. O terceiro ano de Harry Potter em Hogwarts começa mal quando ele descobre que o assassino Sirius Black escapou da prisão de Azkaban."
  • Book Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego: 103
    Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego: 103


    "This time, a tournament takes place between the three largest schools of magic, with one participant selected from each school by the Goblet of fure. Desta vez, um torneio acontece entre as três maiores escolas de magia, com um participante selecionado de cada escola pelo Cálice de Fogo"
  • Book Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte
    Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte


    "Without the guidance and protection of their teachers, Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on a mission to destroy the horcruxes, which are the sources of Voldemort's immortality. Sem a orientação e proteção de seus professores, Harry, Ron e Hermione partiram em uma missão para destruir os horcruxes."