Inspirational movies 🎥


Books that make feel those dang feelings, you may cry, surely inspired, really meaningful messages from this list ✌️
  • Movie Interstellar


    "It's love! "
  • Movie Llámame Por Tu Nombre
    Llámame Por Tu Nombre


    "Beautiful love story. Coming of age type of movie. You fall in love with the characters and the so human way they treat each other, it really makes you feel that it's a real family. Love the parents - son relationship. "
  • Movie La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
    La vida secreta de Walter Mitty


    "The first half of the movie seems like another movie than the rest, in a good way of course, I think much like to Walter, the story changes and his life changes, you are so caried away by the sequence of events that keep coming, it's amazing and unexpected. Great soundtrack! "