Series I love 😍


  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "One of the series that I really like. 60s, monster, The life of a passionate teenager who enters many adventures and worlds, supernatural things that make me want to have powers too"
  • Serie La maldición de Bly Manor
    La maldición de Bly Manor


    " At first I was not so interested but then the stranger made me like it. How many memories? And which one am I in? Twists that I didn't expect. What's going on in the big Bly mansion /No começo eu não estava tão interessado, mas depois o estranho me fez gostar. Quantas memórias? E em qual eu estou? "
  • Serie Vis a vis
    Vis a vis


    "One of the best series in this theme👌. Fights, deaths, escapes and rivalry, love, friendship. We are not going to give too much spoilers to this series and so much. /Uma das melhores séries do tema👌. Lutas, mortes, fugas e rivalidades, amor, amizade. Não vamos dar muitos spoilers a esta série "
  • Serie Peaky Blinders
    Peaky Blinders


    "Cold and calculating he is,even when he is getting lost on the way he finds a way to find himself. On this journey he finds love also and at the same time fear/Ele é frio e calculista, mesmo quando se perde no caminho, encontra uma maneira de se encontrar. Nesta jornada ele encontra o amor também.."
  • Serie Orange Is the New Black
    Orange Is the New Black


  • Serie Z Nation
    Z Nation

