

Legally blonde my ass
  • Movie El sabor de las cerezas
    El sabor de las cerezas


    "By the brilliant mind of director Abbas Kiarostami, this movie is food for thought. You will ask yourself the question - "Why do we value life?" "
  • Movie Movida del 76
    Movida del 76


    "Best hangout movie ever! Dazed and Confused is a great movie to watch over and over again. If you add a little weed to the mix it'll be double the fun"
  • Movie Tres colores: Rojo
    Tres colores: Rojo


    "Best movie of the trilogy. Best hour and a half that I ever spent. Best dialogues in movie history. Best camera work. Best movie ever. 10/10"
  • Movie 2001: una odisea del espacio
    2001: una odisea del espacio


    "Stanley Kubricks most controversial masterpiece that completely revolutionized the genre. The one movie you will never forget. "
  • Movie American Beauty
    American Beauty


    "This movie is about indecision, the way we camouflage our true selfs in society and aestethic subjetivism of beauty. Sam Mendes best work by far. "
  • Movie Mulholland Drive
    Mulholland Drive


    "The fact that Lynch is messing with the expectations of the audience for the entire running time, makes this movie legendary. 9/10"
  • Movie El silencio de los corderos
    El silencio de los corderos


    "If you're not into cattle, goat, swine, rabbit, duck or even fish this movie is for you. Unless you're a vegan 😂"
  • Movie El viaje de Chihiro
    El viaje de Chihiro


    "You might think this is just another stupid anime. It ain't. It is an incredibly well executed movie that will blow your mind. 9/10."
  • Serie Carnivàle


    "Some screws will get loose after watching this one. Remarkable critique on the rehabilitation we as a society proposes for ex-cons"
  • Movie El odio
    El odio


    "Good meditation on the way society itself is the one that keeps creating disturbed young minds and corrupting our spirits. 8/10"