
Diana Zavaleta

37 Followers26 Follows
  • Place Arequipa


    "Las cataratas de Pillones, nos muestra la fuerza de la naturaleza. Un poquito de trekking y aventura para llegar. "
  • Place Cañón del Colca
    Cañón del Colca


    "Las aguas termales de Chacapi son tan hermosas, la vista es insuperable. Debajo pasa el río del Colca, rodeada de montañas. Con tantas ganas de volver. "
  • Place Arequipa


    "Plaza de armas de Arequipa es una de mis plazas favoritas, su arquitectura te conduce a épocas antiguas. #visitarequipa #visitperu #nationalturism #turismonacionalpronto"
  • App Insight timer is a free guided meditation app.
    Insight timer is a free guided meditation app.


    "I highly recommend this app. This is free guided meditation app. Full of great meditation. Since you start your day until you go to bed "
  • App It’s a free guided meditation app
    It’s a free guided meditation app


    "I highly recommend this app, it’s free and you can have a free guided meditation. There are many kind of them. Check this out. https://insighttimer.com/"
  • Fashion Down dog allows me to improve my yoga sessions
    Down dog allows me to improve my yoga sessions


    "Down dog is perfect to start with yoga. It just has everything related to yoga. Yoga everywhere 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ love it! "
  • App Duolingo - Language Lessons
    Duolingo - Language Lessons


    "Duolingo is helping me a lot to get more vocabulary in French and German. It’s so dynamic and visual. I love it. "
  • Fashion This is a good way to learn languages and teach it too.
    This is a good way to learn languages and teach it too.


    "I started using iTalking cause I wanted to improve my English and currently I am learning French, so it is helping a lot. I highly recommend it "
  • Serie Las chicas del cable
    Las chicas del cable


    "Si te gusta las novelas, las chicas del cable son una de ellas al estilo español. Romance y drama"
  • Beauty Pranarom - Aceite arbol del té
    Pranarom - Aceite arbol del té


    "El aceite de té de árbol es mágico, sus propiedades antisépticas, desinflamantes lo hacen único. Lo uso para los granitos, picaduras, efusión con agua cuando tengo congestionada la nariz. "