
Diego HR

9 Followers13 Follows
  • Serie Paquita Salas
    Paquita Salas


    "No puedo creer que haya esperado tanto para ver ésta serie. No hay otra palabra que la pueda describir mejor más que IN 👏🏽 CRE 👏🏽 Í 👏🏽 BLE. "
  • Product Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Pulsera de Actividad
    Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Pulsera de Actividad


    "Good device for a cheap price. Works with all smartphones devices. In love. ❤️"
  • Electronic Apple iPhone XR - Smartphone de 6.1"
    Apple iPhone XR - Smartphone de 6.1"


    "As functional as the other models. Yellow one’s my favorite. Any bad comment for this device. I just love it. ❤️"
  • Serie Little Fires Everywhere
    Little Fires Everywhere


    "An epic drama, with an epic ending. Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington are excellent as always in this mini-series. Available on Amazon Prime. I can’t wait for the next season. Shout Out to Megan Stott that made ir incredible too. "
  • Music The Architect
    The Architect


    "All 25 songs (in the Zeitgeist Edition), are pieces of art. I discovered her with ‘Only love can hurt like this’ and definitely this is a must that you should bring to your playlist. ❤️✨"