

  • Book Little Women
    Little Women


    "Beautiful "
  • Book Del amor y otros demonios
    Del amor y otros demonios


    "'El Amor y Otros Demonios' me marcó profundamente. García Márquez teje una historia que toca fibras emocionales, explorando el amor y la espiritualidad de una manera única. Una lectura que nunca olvidaré."
  • Book El Principito
    El Principito


    "Realmente es un libro que todos deberíamos leer y más si queremos tener ese regalo de poseer estrellas que ríen 💓"
  • Book Diario de Anne Frank
    Diario de Anne Frank


    "You can feel her claustrophobia, this book in my opinion is one of the most important, also show us, many important things, one of them she wanted to be known, and she did, but maybe she died before she got that, life is not about us is about the others, she make a big change i others life "