Fashion Movies ✨


BR: Filmes que esbanjam estilo 🤩, dá para ter muita inspiração 🦋 EN: Films that splash out in style 🤩, you can get a lot of inspiration 🦋. ES: Películas que salpican de estilo 🤩, puedes conseguir mucha inspiración 🦋
  • Movie Sexo en Nueva York
    Sexo en Nueva York


    "Have you ever thought of having a wedding proposal and instead of the ring love be sealed with a pair of Manolo Blahnik? 😱 That movie is divine! It came to refresh and celebrate the 10 years that the series (of the same name) made! Check it out, you won't regret it 😉"
  • Movie El diablo viste de Prada
    El diablo viste de Prada


    "It's... the devil dresses well! But not only does he dress Prada, he dresses Dior, Yves Saint Lourent, Gucci and very high standard! This movie is to be too inspired by the looks of the characters Andrea, Emily and of course the wonderful Miranda Priestly 💙"