
Fernanda González

34 Followers28 Follows
  • Fashion Cults –Parcast
    Cults –Parcast


    ""Don't drink the Kool-aid", the Manson Family, Jonestown, and so much more can be heard here, on Cults! A podcast by Parcast Network, where we can learn the leader's motivations, how they choose their followers, and why they did what they did, as well as some cults characteristics. Don't miss it! "
  • Fashion Drunk History - YouTube
    Drunk History - YouTube


    "One of my ALL TIME favs: Drunk history. It features history experts talking about Is history while, well, being drunk. We also see re-enactments as narrated by the guests. Go watch, you'll for sure get a good laugh and better learning compared to school (but don't tell your professor)."
  • Fashion LegalEagle - YouTube
    LegalEagle - YouTube


    "LegalEagle is a YouTube channel that teach us about law in different topics. It can go from reforming police, to TV shows reactions (yes, Suits is there), and even explaining the broken laws in Jurassic Park! Our narrator is funny and cuts to the chase. Precise, informative, and entertaining."
  • Movie Las vidas posibles de Mr. Nobody
    Las vidas posibles de Mr. Nobody


    "Mr. Nobody really captures Leto's acting capability by showing us alternate and possible realities to a man's life. Choose well, you can win, or you can lose. Pay attention to the colors! Definetely a must watch for those who don't like to know the ending when te movie just started. "
  • Serie A los gatos ni tocarlos: Un asesino en Internet
    A los gatos ni tocarlos: Un asesino en Internet


    "Luka Magnotta, a total narcissistic, photoshopped, soulless man. This short series will show you the extents to which cat lovers are capable of, and all the atrocities a self-centered-okay-looking guy can do. Definetely a great ciber-chase. Not apt for those with weak stomachs!"
  • Serie Cristal oscuro: La era de la resistencia
    Cristal oscuro: La era de la resistencia


    "This for the nerds in their houses! If you want something different, this is definitely it. Dark Crystal : Age of Resistance shows us the events on "The Dark Crystal" following three chosen Gelflings creating a rebellion against the evil Skeksis, and all this, by using the art of puppetry!"
  • Fashion Last Podcast on the Left
    Last Podcast on the Left


    "For those who like to have a great time while learning about cryptids, serial killers, aliens, historical facts mixed with conspiracy theories, this podcast is for you. LPOTL features three funny guys doing what they love (which definetely shows) and taking about all the weird things out there."
  • Movie The Jeffrey Dahmer Files
    The Jeffrey Dahmer Files


    "Oh, the infamous Dahmer. The Jeffrey Dahmer files shows us Dahmer as seen by the lead detective and people who knew him. It also shows us real footage from Dahmer, interviews, and re-enactments segments. Brief, insightful, and entertaining for true crime lovers."
  • Serie Please Like Me
    Please Like Me


    "Josh, I think you're gay! (Not a spoiler) Josh accepts his rainbow side in a not so rainbowy life. We see him goingi through lots of changes carrying a quite difficult and funny personality. Very light, entertaining show; but don't let it fool you, it can also get reaaaaal deep at moments. (Netflix)"
  • Book Kafka on the Shore
    Kafka on the Shore


    "And Murakami strikes again. A great character with not such great luck, but lots of curiosity and personal depth. Kafka is a young man swirling in his own mind and circumstances, but this is no reason for him to be trapped. And a man talking to cats, isn't that enough to give it a read? "