The kissing booth 1, 2...


You know what, I’m really trying to be professional and informative, but to be honest all I want to say is that THIS MOVIE IS THE MOST AMAZING ROMANTIC MOVIE IVE EVER SEEEEEN!!!! I NEVER CRY DURING MOVIES, BUT I DID WHILE WATCHING THIS ONE!
  • Movie Mi primer beso
    Mi primer beso


    "the movie is great it inspired to go out there (not getting drunk) and i feel like it's the story of every teen girl today. anyways it's good."
  • Movie Mi primer beso 2
    Mi primer beso 2


    "This movie is one of a kind. But just to make sure you know, the fact that it is a Netflix original means it has almost no restrictions. But I believe this movie is exactly what teens are looking for in a romantic film. The actors are well chosen and I’m surprised at how perfect they are for their r"
  • Movie Mi primer beso 3
    Mi primer beso 3


    "I wait it!"