🖤 Series 🖤


I watch over 200 shows and thought it might be fun to talk abt my favorites and most underrated ones
  • Serie Playground


    "Super quick action show about a teen assassins school. Every episode has around 10 minutes and the show only has 10 episodes. It's really quick and easy to watch and really interesting aswell. Looking for an underrated quick not so teen action show? Playground is the one for you. "
  • Serie Duda razonable
    Duda razonable


    "A short show to marathon, if you are into lawyer shows, plus great trans representation and toutching cases. Kate Heigl and Laverne Cox are just the cherry on top of the cake that is this show. "
  • Serie Dos chicas sin blanca
    Dos chicas sin blanca


    "A very entertaining 20 mins sitcom, focused on the friendship of 2 girls who have completely different backgrounds but need each other to build their future. It will make you cry, "awn", mad and hopefull and you will become obcessed with that $$ in the end of the episodes. But mostly you'll laugh.🖤"