M U S I C😌


🇦🇷jaja solo escuchen/🇺🇸just listen, thanks
  • Music Television / So Far So Good
    Television / So Far So Good


    "🇦🇷 les recomiendo básicamente TODAS las canciones de Rex, pero voy a subir las mas destacadas tipo las que tienen que escuchar si o si, tiene un estilo reee variado/🇺🇸 i'm sure you know him but in case you don't, Rex is AMAZING, his style is super varied and the lyrics are just incredible "
  • Music Best Friend
    Best Friend


    "🇦🇷ya les hablé en la reco. anterior de Rex, ahora solo les dejo los mejores temas, shit, esto te debería dejar hacer una playlist o algo así //🇺🇸 already told you about Rex, now i'm just throwing his best tracks, deamn, this thing should let you make playlists or something"
  • Music Face to Face
    Face to Face


    "🇦🇷bueno vino la luz del cielo y se me ocurrió; mejor les nombro los temas acá: /🇬🇧so my brain finally worked; i'm just tipping the names of the songs here: ✨Never Enough, Happiness, New House, Waiting Room, Untitled, Loving is Easy, 4 Seasons, Pluto Projector, It Gets Better, Always, 10/10 +++✨"
  • Music All For Us - from the HBO Original Series Euphoria
    All For Us - from the HBO Original Series Euphoria


    "🇦🇷esta y todos los temas del soundtrack están re buenoss, vean la serie de paso!// 🇬🇧 this one and basically all the stuff of the soundtrack, watch the serie too"
  • Music Jordan


    "🇦🇷 kiddo toto pá, un pibe de arg que tambien actua, su primer álbum estaba re weno y desp se lanzó al trap, justo este tema safa pero escuchen el álbum "Resfriado"/🇺🇸 Toto is an argentinian guy who used to have good song in his album "Resfriado" but now he is into trap, although this one is good"
  • Music Too Late To Turn Back Now
    Too Late To Turn Back Now


    "🇦🇷temón disco de los 90s, re pegadizo mal, no se dejen llevar por el principio que está medio choto jajaja//🇬🇧 suuper good disco song from the 90s, super catchy once you heard it once, don't be fooled by the star, which can be a liiittle boring "
  • Music Water Fountain
    Water Fountain


    "🇦🇷re linda, medio aleatoria o qsy, el "i was too young" me da escalofríos no se porqué jajsja, escúchenla/🇬🇧 idk what to say bout this one, is super nice and choirs give me a little goosebumps lol"
  • Music Car Window
    Car Window


    "lo tkm"