Restaurants & places


  • Restaurants Starbuck Island
    Starbuck Island


  • Place Cancún


    "Muito bom para viajar! Calor demais, meio perigoso. Mas gostoso "
  • Restaurants Swirl Bar
    Swirl Bar


    "Excellent frozen yoghurt bar with numerous toppings and the cutest pink interior! If you’re looking for an instagramable place this is on of them! 🍦"
  • Place Royal Paradise Guesthouse (Tourist Inn)
    Royal Paradise Guesthouse (Tourist Inn)


    "This was a great hotel to stay in with nice food and a few steps from a beautiful beach! They also offer a variety of tours! 👏"
  • Place Bilar Man-Made Forest
    Bilar Man-Made Forest


    "This is one of the most famous places on Bohol and makes for a great photo, just be aware of the cars! 🌿"
  • Place Lusong Coral Garden
    Lusong Coral Garden


    "I spent a month looking for the best snorkeling spots around the Philippines and this one is in my top three! Definitely one of the best coral gardens I have seen! 🐠"
  • Place Barracuda Lake
    Barracuda Lake


    "This lake is a must-see because it had a unique underwater rock formation. Due to its crystal clear waters it is perfect for scuba diving and snorkeling as well as getting that perfect insta photo! 💦"
  • Place Green Lagoon
    Green Lagoon


    "Also knows as Green Lake. It’s a very picturesque place for some snorkeling or just capturing that perfect insta photo ✨"
  • Place Oslob


    "If you want to experience swimming with wild whale sharks, then Oslob is the place for you! Just make sure to go see the sharks early because the feeding stops at around noon. 🐋"
  • Place Sharky Hostel Oslob
    Sharky Hostel Oslob


    "If you want to see the whale sharks I would definitely recommend booking a night at this hostel because they are a pioneer hostel in Oslob and their boats are ALWAYS going in first in the water (around 5-6 am) 🐋"