

  • Book Civilização do Espetáculo
    Civilização do Espetáculo


    "This book is great for those who want to understand a little bit more about the way our society lives, the way of "fake it 'till you make it" but with more "fake it" than "make it" "
  • Book Viver sem ti
    Viver sem ti


    "I'm not the type of reader that loves romance, however, after seeing the movie about the first book, I had to read the 2nd. I legit cried reading it"
  • Book Vigiando a observadora
    Vigiando a observadora


    "I bought 2 books from this collection in a completely random way, when I was 10 years old and bored during a summer break. I still remember everything"
  • Book Llamadas desde el teléfono del cielo
    Llamadas desde el teléfono del cielo


    ""Uma chamada do céu" is a really great book with psychological romance and religious fiction about the manipulation of people's need to "keep in touch" with beloved ones that have passed away. I really recommend it! "
  • Book Capitaes De Areia
    Capitaes De Areia


    "The true story about the hard reality of some kids in Brasil and how they built a family out of nothing. It's impossible to hate this book "
  • Book The Battles Of Tolkien
    The Battles Of Tolkien


    "If you like the world that the incredible mind of Tolkien created this is a good book for you, this is a book that explains everything and teaches you something about the complexity of LotR, and it's writer"
  • Book The Heroes Of Tolkien
    The Heroes Of Tolkien


    "Even the cover of this books are amasing, I'm dying to buy them all, they are super easy and fast to read and at the same time teaches you something new about the heroes we all loved to read or watch in the books/movies of LotR and The Hobbit"
  • Book Estranho Caso do Retrato Flamengo Os Detectives Da Viela Voltaire Nº3
    Estranho Caso do Retrato Flamengo Os Detectives Da Viela Voltaire Nº3


    "So unfortunately this was the only book in this app but I recommend all of them, specially if you are just starting to read. This 2 brothers were my first buddies in the adventure of starting to buy a collection of books, I cherish them with all my heart."
  • Book A Game of Thrones: The Story Continues: The complete boxset of all
    A Game of Thrones: The Story Continues: The complete boxset of all


    " Is George RR Martin, of course this is good. Just don't expect to see everybody live a happy ending :') "
  • Serie The Witcher
    The Witcher


    "This is such a good show and it's only starting... It has a huge potential to be one of the biggest and greatest shows that Netflix ever produced, specially too everyone that likes shows like Game of Thrones or the movies of Lord of The Rings, I recommend it :) "