
Lia Marchi

5 Followers11 Follows
  • Music Remember That Night?
    Remember That Night?


    "Artist: Sara Kays / Released in: 2020 / Available in Spotify"
  • Serie Grand Army
    Grand Army


    "Grand Army é uma série americana criada por Katie Cappiello, adaptada de sua peça Slut de 2013. A série segue a história de cinco estudantes do ensino médio enquanto lutam contra a política sexual, racial e econômica e sua luta para terem sucesso e se tornarem alguém."
  • Serie Grand Army
    Grand Army


    "Grand Army is an American series created by Katie Cappiello, adapted from her 2013 play Slut. The series follows the story of five high school students as they struggle with sexual, racial and economic politics and fight to succeed and become somebody."