TV shows


  • Serie Broadchurch


    "A British mystery drama. From the very beginning the first season of this show had me gripped. Good actors, good photography and the locations just beautiful. I felt the second season a bit forced. But the third season, to me seems better. I'm on the last couple of episodes."
  • Serie Little Fires Everywhere
    Little Fires Everywhere


    "A really good show. I wish I had read the book first. But I couldn't stop watching it from episode 1. So many turns, really good mystery drama and great actresses! "
  • Serie Unorthodox


    "An amazing look that'll leave you craving for a deeper dive into the world Etsy is running away from, and the one she's settling into."
  • Serie The Sinner
    The Sinner


    "Great Crime-drama-mystery TV series. 3 seasons, 3 diferentes cases that detective Harry is trying to solve and to understand why regular people can commit crimes."