Movies 🎥


As a movie 🎥 lover, I have seen a lot of movies and I’m always down for a cinema night 🍿 here I’ll share most of the movies I’ve seen 👌🏻
  • Movie Big Hero 6
    Big Hero 6


    "A fun family movie 🍿 with values of friendship and love to everyone."
  • Movie Vengadores: Endgame
    Vengadores: Endgame


    "Always. ❤️"
  • Movie Toc Toc
    Toc Toc


    "Honestly, one of the best movies I’ve seen lately. It raises awareness to mental illness that people tend to disregard. Gives an insight of what it’s like to live with TOC 💭"
  • Movie Cómo entrenar a tu dragón
    Cómo entrenar a tu dragón


    "Love me some children’s movies where we can reconnect with our inner child and get back to our truest values 🤞🏻"
  • Movie Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 2
    Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 2


    "Another one ☝️ "
  • Movie Mejor... solteras
    Mejor... solteras


    "Had so much fun this movie, any movie with Rebel Wilson attracts laughter, plus it’s a refreshing movie to watch on a Saturday lazy afternoon🍿 "
  • Movie La primera vez que nos vimos
    La primera vez que nos vimos


    "Funny and entertaining, teaching us that sometimes what we want is not what we need 😉"
  • Movie El pianista
    El pianista


    "A side of war during Hitler times, giving new perspective to people about how those days were and how easy it is for our lives to fall apart."
  • Movie Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
    Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal


    "Forever a Gryffindor 😍"
  • Movie Harry Potter y la cámara secreta
    Harry Potter y la cámara secreta


    "Forever a Gryffindor 😍"