New gen PC shooters


A series of games that rose and stood at the top for being the best in their gente.
  • Videogames Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


    "The PC shooter series that started it all. Counter Strike is a classic amongst fans of the genre, and is a game you can’t ignore because of it’s historic presence."
  • Videogames Valorant


    "The newest addition to the group, which only makes it fresher and unique, a team base shooter with different abilities and many endless possibilities, definitely a must play."
  • Videogames Call of Duty: Warzone
    Call of Duty: Warzone


    "While this one may be for the higher end PCs, it is still a game which you will enjoy spectating; action packed and full of strategy, Warzone is a game you must at least check if you can’t play."
  • Videogames Fortnite


    "Although its bad reputation haunts it, the game created a unique way of approaching battle royales, which gives it a distinct gameplay over most of these selections."
  • Videogames Apex Legends
    Apex Legends


    "Another game that is mostly on the higher end of the spectrum, it quickly rose as a favorite amongst both viewers and players alike, the game offers many endless possibilities and provides unique gameplay to the genre."