

  • Restaurants Boa-Bao


    "BCN, a prop Pg Gràcia | Cuina panasiàtica. Boníssim: pad thai con verduras, noodles de arroz y tofu; dim sum de naranja y chocolate con sorbete de coco"
  • Restaurants Miu


    "BCN, Pg Gràcia | Restaurant japonès"
  • Restaurants Gastrobar Pipa
    Gastrobar Pipa


    "BCN, Poblenou | Cuina mediterrània. -30% El Tenedor"
  • Restaurants Veg World India
    Veg World India


    "BCN, per Gràcia, a Joanic | cuina veggie hindú. El gelat de mango IS A MUST!"
  • Restaurants Honest Greens
    Honest Greens


    "BCN, vora Pl Catalunya | Plant-based slash veggie dishes. Boníssim: albergínia amb hummus"
  • Restaurants Alsur Café El Born
    Alsur Café El Born


    "BCN, al Born | Have some apéritifs, a mocktail and a dessert and you’ll literally love it. A MUST: tostada aguacate granada, grilled-cheese waffle-sandwich, mocktail: maracuyá albahaca y granité (if sth tasted like summer it’s probably be this), iced tea: fruit mango maracuya y sirope de violeta"
  • Restaurants Café Menssana
    Café Menssana


    "BCN, a Ciutadella | Perfect for a coffee/tea, tapas or a healthy and fine meal; also plenty of veggie-vegan options. I UTTERLY recommend: chai latte (OMG), hummus, babaganoush, falafel y patatas caseras para picar, buddha bowl y hamburguesa vegana, carrot cake."
  • Place Horchatería El Tío Che
    Horchatería El Tío Che


    "BCN, la Rambla de Poblenou. One of the best places to drink a traditional homemade horchata. Muy rico: horchata, leche merengada, granizado de café, blanco y negro (granizado de leche merengada y café; mi favorito)."
  • Restaurants Chen Ji
    Chen Ji


    "BCN, prop d’Arc de Triomf | Restaurant xinès. The kind of place you think about when sb says ‘I KNOW A PLACE’. Hand-made cuisine, it tastes like authentic chinese food! Must try: tallerines hechos a mano con ternera, xiao long bao, bolitas de sésamo con judía roja. "