

  • Book El perfume: Historia de un asesino
    El perfume: Historia de un asesino


    "Patrick Süskind is a German writer and screenwriter, known best for his internationally famous novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, first published in 1985. "
  • Book Orgulho e Preconceito
    Orgulho e Preconceito


    "Her major novels are still published today, although their initial publication was without her name and brought her little fame during her lifetime. An important transition to her fame as a writer took place, fifty-two years after her death, that is, in 1869, when her nephew published her autobiogra"
  • Book Borboletas azuis
    Borboletas azuis


    "Another excellent book by the author. His ability to move us is impressive. The innocent romance created in this book is enchanting and takes us to the purest times of our lives like first love, where we give all of us for the pleasure of seeing the next smile, where a mere touch makes the whole bod"
  • App Workout for Women: Fitness App
    Workout for Women: Fitness App

