
Mariana Carvalheira

11 Followers12 Follows
  • Beauty Revlon Uniq One All-in-One Tratamiento capilar
    Revlon Uniq One All-in-One Tratamiento capilar


    "An amazing product. Smells amazing, detangles your hair pretty well and protects it from the heat of the hairdryer and others and softens it so much. You only need to be careful with the ingredients because it contains Isopropyl Alcohol and Propylene Glycol."
  • Movie El fantasma de la ópera
    El fantasma de la ópera


    "The music is phenomenal. It’s the only musical type movie I legit enjoy watching. Give it a try 🙃 btw search Nicole Scherzinger singing the phantom of the opera you won’t regret it 😉🤗"
  • Movie Corazones de acero
    Corazones de acero


    "This movie touched my heart. It does a great job into making you feel submerged on the ww2 and all the conflicts between the characters and their selfs and the environment around them."
  • Movie Malditos bastardos
    Malditos bastardos


    "This movie is perfect. It has the characters speaking more than just english and even though Tarantino shapes the story the way he wants it is simply perfect. Brad Pitt did a really good job here."
  • Movie Shrek


    "I saw this movie since it’s release with my dad and it brings so many good memories of us together. I love it ❤️ we knew all the lines so... we watched it to many times 😅"
  • App AirBrush - Best Photo Editor
    AirBrush - Best Photo Editor


    "Very good app to whiten the background or teeth, remove that little fat from your belly that’s not very nice & get yourself a little more “sunkissed”"
  • App Snapseed


    "I only use it to brighten my photos without ruining them. Tap on “selective” and work on it! 😊"
  • App VSCO: Editor de Fotos y Vídeos
    VSCO: Editor de Fotos y Vídeos


    "I’ve used this app for years and I like it very much. I use a preset I made there and just adapt the colours of the image to my feed. Very good app!"
  • App Adobe Lightroom - Photo Studio
    Adobe Lightroom - Photo Studio


    "I use to manipulate the colors in the images. If the image is very red toned and I don’t want that I use the color -> Mix and tap to change the tone."
  • App Vont - Text on Videos
    Vont - Text on Videos


    "With this app you can add text to your video in a specific part and for as much time you want. Very handy for InstaStories."