Netflix and Chill (Movies)


  • Movie 6 en la sombra
    6 en la sombra


    "Bit of a giggle with a lot of action. Gotta love Ryan Reynolds, even when he’s got all his clothes on 😉"
  • Movie El becario
    El becario


    "Love seeing Robert De Niro in this film, mentoring in fiction as I’m sure he does in life"
  • Movie La otra Missy
    La otra Missy


    "Giggles abound as do the cringes. A solid pop corn movie with a throw back cameo at the end. Recommended "
  • Movie Tyler Rake
    Tyler Rake


    "Full on, full force, full action. India shining through as a top location, and the main tough guy sufficiently tormented enough to make you root for his redemption."