
what to watch while you're having your meal alone? i love series: they're short enough for just that (yeah, i can eat for an hour, don't judge)
  • Serie El cuento de la criada
    El cuento de la criada


    "a dystopian drama set in the near future. it is beautifully shot, which contrasts with the atrocities it's telling. a must watch."
  • Serie Black Mirror
    Black Mirror


    "unsettling isolated science fiction episodes that examine modern life, particularly the unanticipated consequencies of new technologies. very real!"
  • Serie Orange Is the New Black
    Orange Is the New Black


    "very relevant series about the issues with the prison system. it's been called a comedydrama, but i enjoyed watching it more for the issues it tackles"
  • Serie Fringe


    "an fbi special agent must work together with a 'mad' scientist and his hot son to investigate various aspects of fringe science. oldie but goodie"
  • Serie Sense8


    "8 strangers around the globe find themselves connected by their shared ability to connect with one another's thoughts and actions. queer, 'we are one'"
  • Serie South Park
    South Park


    "controversial (therefore, relevant) animated sitcom bringing forward all that's wrong with the world in general and american society in particular"
  • Serie Padre de familia
    Padre de familia


    "dysfunctional family trying to cope with everyday life as they experience crazy scenarios. one of the best characters of all time is here: stewie"
  • Movie El espinazo del diablo
    El espinazo del diablo


    "a conservative c.i.a. agent dealing with family life and keeping america safe, in the most absurd way possible. one of the best characters ever: roger"
  • Serie Broad City
    Broad City


    "hilaaarious duo going through modern-day nyc life. for all things queer and vegan and drugs and living cheap, but partying hard. absolutely hysterical"
  • Serie Planeta Tierra
    Planeta Tierra


    "hi-fi series with footage of some of the world's most awe-inspiring natural wonders, divided by ecosystems. most expensive nature documentary series"