TV Series


All TV series I watched and recommend.
  • Serie Fantasmas


    "One of the best TV series I have ever got to watch. One thing I particularly liked is the LGBT+ presentation, and I think everyone would enjoy this! :) "
  • Serie Tú, yo y el apocalipsis
    Tú, yo y el apocalipsis


    "One of the greatest series with an unpredictable plot twist! I love each and every story presented, every character development and, especially, the twist that happens at the very end. "
  • Serie There She Goes
    There She Goes


    "Although hard to watch at first, it's a lovely story of little Rosie, unaware of the world outside of her own. "
  • Serie Horrible Histories
    Horrible Histories


    "One of my favourite shows I ever got to watch. Horrible Histories taught me more about history of the world than the school did if I may be frank. "
  • Serie Bruja Escarlata y Visión
    Bruja Escarlata y Visión


    "WandaVision is one of the series that brought me back into the Marvel fandom. Such a powerful story of Wanda dealing with the life that she's never going to happen, but at least she got to imagine it and create it, live it through even if it's all just her vision. "
  • Serie Julie and the Phantoms
    Julie and the Phantoms


    "I still remember how I unexpectedly came over this. I was trying to find a song with a specific name and came over 'Unsaid Emily'. If it wasn't for my curiosity and giving the trailer a go, I don't think I'd ever watch such a wonderful series as this. "
  • Serie It's a Sin
    It's a Sin


    "One of the greatest series I ever watched. Such a powerful story of LGBT+ people trying their best to live their lives, while a strange, mysterious and killing disease is taking over the world. "
  • Serie Staged


    "A funny and comedic series of the geniuses, Michael Sheen and David Tennant. I've had such a great laugh watching these two lovely men, especially after adoring them in Good Omens. "
  • Serie Juego de tronos
    Juego de tronos


    "Never thought I'd watch this series, and yet I'm here. I enjoyed this series from beginning to the ending. There were a lot of scenes and deaths that have broken my heart, but I still enjoyed the series a lot. "
  • Serie Laura, Ben And Him
    Laura, Ben And Him


    "Only watched a few sketches from this series, and it seems interesting. "