
Sara Peralta

0 Followers2 Follows
  • Serie Legión


    "So you're sitting there thinking "This shit's intense"... When Jemaine Clement unexpectedly pops up... And starts talking... About huh quantum adventure bunnies... While the camera slowly travels away... And you're like, sweet magical marshmallows 🐇 praise jeebus for 2010's TV 🌈 #seasonsbehindtho"
  • Serie Man Seeking Woman
    Man Seeking Woman


    "Never get enough of recommending this one. Definitely original, (as crazy ex gf) don't let the name fool you, please just watch - Only then you'll get it. Surrealist, hilarious, clever, weird, metaphors turned literal, satire, crude yet sweet, one of a kind."
  • Serie Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
    Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


    "Brilliant: Don't let the name fool u! Funny, innovative, smart, true feminist diverse show that'll poke fun at some "feminist" issues, approaches mental health in a great way, n it's different from anything else u've seen. And did I mention hilarious? [If Bo Burnham is genius y can't u watch this?!]"
  • Serie Future Man
    Future Man


    "Solid entertainment 👌 Pretty stupid in the best way, far from dumb: simply wacky sci-fi that'll make you laugh and wanting to see where the hell they end up next, or with whose body parts."
  • Serie Silicon Valley
    Silicon Valley


    "Best dick-math jokes. Entertaining AF. Proper geeky. All the things BBT could never be. Satirical, witty, goofy, and compelling to keep watching these guys' journey and struggles, you'll finish all 6 seasons in no time."
  • Serie Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine


    "Cool, cool cool cool cool cool, no doubt no doubt no doubt"
  • Serie Modern Family
    Modern Family


    "Sitcom gold, its awards not in vain. The comedic timing n chemistry of the cast, through the chronicles of family ups n downs n genuinely funny stuff (without some of the overused tropes or typical sexism), is brilliant. If you don't like it, you probably just enjoy trash talking popular stuff 🤷‍♀️"
  • Serie You


    "This is just 👌 If you "like psychos", hop on this addictive ride! "
  • Serie Breaking Bad
    Breaking Bad


    "This doesn't need any more recommendations, you've either already watched it or are already very sick of hearing how good it is."
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "If it's about aliens in the 80s why does it feel like home? It's friends n games n bikes n may be horrific monsters n upside down nightmares but feels like christmas lights n nostalgia, while being horror/ adventure/ thrilling packed, as well as amusing. "Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.""