

  • Music 3 a.m.
    3 a.m.


    "One of the best movie of all time. The futuristic avant gardiste scenario. The special effects used at the time pushing other movies boundaries. The action set through a sci-fi story more real than reality itself. Definitely a great movie to watch and re-"
  • Movie Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo
    Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo


    "Scott Pilgrim vs. 7 evils exes to get to Ramona's love life. Set in a video game thematic world, this cheesy but colorful movie blew my mind. One of the best conversion of a comic book to screen. All the gaming clichés, perfectly put together"
  • Movie Vengadores: Endgame
    Vengadores: Endgame


    "Avengers... Assemble. Gives me the chill everytime. Being a Marvel fanboy all my life, this movie is an absolute dream come true for me. Everything about this film is great"
  • Movie Kill Bill: Volumen 1
    Kill Bill: Volumen 1


    "One of Quentin Tarantino's best work. The unforgettable metaphorical dialogues. The story driven music. The action pack katana's swinging. This movie deserved a 5 "points palm exploding heart" stars"
  • Movie Ready Player One
    Ready Player One


    "Welcome to a virtual post apocalyptic universe. This movie paint a futuristic scenario where you can find all of your favorites childhood idols. From anime, to video games, to toys. Everything is in there. An amazing Easter eggs ride"
  • Movie Joker


  • Movie Guardianes de la galaxia
    Guardianes de la galaxia


    "One of the most Marvel's underground bunch of heroes. One of the most unusual team-up ends up in completely funny film filled with action."
  • Movie Shutter Island
    Shutter Island


    "Mas afinal ele é polícia ou doente mental?!😉 Pero, después de todo, es él un policía o tiene una enfermedad mental?😉"
  • Movie Inception: Jump right into the action
    Inception: Jump right into the action


    "Para quem gosta de filmes que mais parecem labirintos 😉"
  • Movie Parásitos


    "Sem dúvida um grande filme, mas mereceu o óscar? "