Tv shows


  • Serie The Flash
    The Flash


    "I love this show! The flash is awesome! He can time travel. Don't miss it."
  • Serie Falcon y el Soldado de Invierno
    Falcon y el Soldado de Invierno


    "Super awesome show!! I can't wait till they show Wolverine! I'm caught up to episode 4. I don't like how they made the new Captain America kill that guy at the end. "
  • Serie Bruja Escarlata y Visión
    Bruja Escarlata y Visión


    "When will they have season 2 out?? I can't wait!!"
  • Serie MacGyver


    "Very good series. Makes me think if these tricks actually work sometimes. It's good to be so handy with whatever is around you. Very interesting show. I'm mad how they killed off Jack. He was a great character. Mad at the directors for that!"