Anime word


  • Serie Folklore


    "Siempre los e visto me entretiene mucho "
  • Serie Dragon Ball Z
    Dragon Ball Z


    "This one is my childhood literally. Waking up early in morning, 7 a.m just to see this on the television. Good memories :) When a character like piccolo and Gohan did matter. Anyway it sure worths to watch ♥️ mainly the Cell saga, for me it's the best one with the best story."
  • Serie Dragon Ball Movies
    Dragon Ball Movies


    "The real Dragonball is here. Everyone who loves Dragonball needs to have seen this already. Goku tought us to never giver up on anything, to believe of ourselves and true friends will always be there for us :)"
  • Serie Dragon Ball GT
    Dragon Ball GT


    "SUPER SAIYAN 4!! My favourite transformation 😍 GT is the best Dragonball in my opinion. Love the sagas and the opening song is just perfect 👌"
  • Serie Dragon Ball Super
    Dragon Ball Super


    "Dragonball isn't the same has it used to be, some say it is better some don't. The best part is that we have a chance to continue seeing the anime we love and grow with. Isn't it awesome? 🥰 I hope Db never ends ♥️"
  • Serie Super Dragon Ball Heroes
    Super Dragon Ball Heroes


    "Even not being cannon, Dragonball heroes is awesome. It is a lot more than just a "promotional anime" (that's what everyone calls it) it brings us epic battles, with all sorts of characters, some characters we wanted to see for years and we haven't got a chance. I like DB heroes :) "
  • Serie One Piece
    One Piece


    "Great anime, never ending episodes. Good job on the characters development and the story is really good. If you love animes you sure love this one too ;)"
  • Serie One Punch Man
    One Punch Man


    "Good anime to watch, great scenes. And I personally love that the anime still is faithful to his idea, the main character fights and wins his opponents with a single final punch 💪"
  • Fashion 🔹𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞🔹
