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Akinator, the Web Genie (formerly Akinator, the web Genius) is an internet game and mobile app based on Twenty Questions that attempts to determine which character the player is thinking of by asking them a series of questions. It is an artificial intelligence program that can find and learn the best questions to ask the player. Created by three French programmers in 2007, it became popular worldwide in November 2008, according to Google Trends. In Europe popularity peak was reached in 2009 and Japan in 2010 with the launch of mobile apps by French mobile company SCIMOB, reaching highest ranks on app store . While playing "Akinator", questions are asked by a cartoon genie....
    Viciante e intrigante kkk
    Me segue no Instagram q eu sigo de volta, @samyraramos002
    Esse jogo consiste em um gênio que adivinha em que personagem você está pensando, é muuito bom, vai desafiar?
    é um jogo bem legal. E basicamente o akinator adivinha o q/quem vc está pensando, com base nas suas respostas.
    Um jogo de perguntas e respostas! Pense em um personagem seja real ou fictício e o Akinator tentará descobrir! Confere aí! Disponível: Apple Store e Google Play!