Beyond Blue

Videogames (2020)

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"Explore and uncover the secrets of Earth’s last uncharted frontier Set in the near future, players will probe the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, the lead on a newly formed research team that will use groundbreaking technologies to see, hear, and sense the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game will feature both an evocative narrative and high level resource management, challenging the player to make high-stakes decisions and prioritize which objectives can be successfully achieved during the crew’s expedition. Embracing the same inclusive development process that was used to create Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna), E-Line’s BAFTA award-winning game about Alaska Native culture, the company paired world class game makers with some of the field’s leading ocean experts to craft an experience that reflects the awesome wonder and unbounded mystery that infuses our planet’s beating blue heart."
    É um jogo casual, voltado para a exploração e simulação, mas tem uma imersão incrível, gráficos bem otimizados e gameplay muito fluída. Esse jogo mostra a beleza do mar e suas criaturas
    Então pra você que gosta da água e das criaturas marinhas que vivem dentro dela você vai amar esse jogo que está somente para IOS, você vai poder mergulhar em profundos oceanos e descobrir um universo de conquistas pela frente, recomendo a vocês esse lindo jogo.

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