Bidding on storage auctions is a very good way to make money, if you’re not afraid to test your luck and instincts, that is. Go full high-stakes, outbid your rivals and turn a profit by selling your valuable acquisitions in your own pawn shop. You’ll be rich and powerful in no time!
-PROFIT from your smart deals and unlock new buildings in town to expand your business and make even more money!
-OUTBID your competition in edge-of-your-seat storage auctions. Enjoy intense gameplay as you choose, analyze and bid faster than your rivals in auctions all over the world!
-RUN your own pawn shop and display your rare and valuable acquisitions. Make customers come from all over the world to spend money on your business and make you rich!
-LIVE through a gripping story with engaging characters on your quest to turn your rundown family business into a city-wide business empire!
-GET KNOWN in the auction world and be noticed by big names on the scene: you never know who ...