Burnout Revenge


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In Burnout Revenge, players compete in a range of racing game types with different aims. These take place within rush-hour traffic, and include circuit racing, Road Rage (where players cause as many rivals to crash as possible within a time limit, or until the player's car is wrecked), Burning Lap (a single-lap, single-racer time attack mode), Eliminator (a circuit race where every thirty seconds, the last-placed racer's car is detonated; the race continues until only one racer is left), and Crash (where the player is placed at a junction with the aim of accumulating as many "Crash Dollars" as possible). A new gameplay feature in Burnout Revenge is the ability to ram same-way small to medium traffic, known as "traffic checking", propelling the rammed car forward; the event in which a "checked" car hits a rival is considered as a Traffic Takedown. Traffic checking is the focus of a new race type, Traffic Attack (whereby a player must earn a set amount of Crash Dollars through ...
    El Burnout definitivo ✌
    O melhor
    Clássico corrida
    Te gusta conducir ya lo tienes conduce
    Uno de los mejores juegos de carreras dime si alguna ves no a llegado a ti el deseo de destruir a tu contrincante pues este fue el juego que te permitía eso y mas una gran emisión el jugarlo en retrocompatibilidad y sentirte como la primera ves que lo jugaste

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